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This site aims to be the #1 resource for playing the 40k series of RPG's published byFantasy Flight Games.  Here are the main features:

Master Bestiary & Master Armoury

Aims to be a 100% complete & Accurate Database of all creatures, weapons, armour, and more.  To date they are probably 95%+ complete for ALL published books in the 40k RPG line, see the library status page for more information.

The Library

Every gamebook in the 40k RPG universe is listed in the library, with a complete table of contents, full size front and back cover images, listings of the creatures it contains, and more.  Find your next purchase easily!

Streamlined Fantasy Flight 40k RPG News

The news on the Fantasy Flight site is split between each of the different 40k RPG settings.  The one on this site automatically integrates the Fantasy Flight news listings and is more focused on helping you see when new products are released.


The best tools, tips, and tricks from around the web.  Invaluable for first time 40k RPG GM's, or even seasoned GM's looking to learn a new trick.  

Recent Site Updates

Which books have been added to the bestiary or armoury?

Posted by: 40krpgtools_admin 10 years, 9 months ago

I've added a Library Status page that shows whether books have had their beasts, items, or rules (mainly weapon qualities) imported into the database.  This info has also been added to each individual book page.

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FFG 40k News Feed Added

Posted by: 40krpgtools_admin in Site News 10 years, 10 months ago

I've added a new combined 40k RPG news page that integrates all 40k related news from www.fantasyflightgames.com into one news feed.  I also do my best to reparse and retag the posts to make them more clear as to what they are actually about:  product announcements, previews, and releases.

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Five New Books Added

Posted by: 40krpgtools_admin 10 years, 10 months ago

Five new books have been added to the library, including the bestiary!

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Only War Core Weapons & Armour Added

Posted by: 40krpgtools_admin in Site News 11 years, 2 months ago

All weapons & armour from Only War - Core Rules has been added to the armoury.  I have verified each entry against the rulebook, so should be accurate.  If you spot any problems please let me know.  I will add weapon upgrades and more as soon as I can.

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Contact Form Fixed

Posted by: 40krpgtools_admin in Site News 11 years, 3 months ago

Finally fixed the bug with the contact form, if you were having trouble reaching me before you should be good to go.  You can also always contact me through the Feedback button on the right.

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Imperial Aquila